Sunday, May 03, 2009


Things that I need on occasion to recharge:

  • A nice dinner out.
  • A nice dinner in (tonight: pork medallions and orange-braised fennel)
  • Wilco's peppier music (I especially like California Stars and Outta Site (Outta Mind) and I Got You.
  • Non-academic fiction reading (currently, I'm reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, and it's really enjoyable. Long, but enjoyable.
  • A really long walk.
  • Eating outdoors. Thanks, Gary!
  • Fulfilling some city dweller guilt and Getting Out Into Nature. I especially like being near water.
  • Baking cookies (tonight: chocolate toffee cookies).

What are yours? Any suggestions?

I'm off for a walk and grocery shopping so that I can make dinner and bake cookies. Yes, this is my triumphant return to blogging. It's this or nothing, folks.