Yet another reason to boycott Jezebel.
My complaints against their faux feminism are many, but when one "feminist" sells out another victim of sexual assault for page views, it's the end of the line for me. Amber has the details.

"Lots of really marvelous stuff" -- Larry Solum. "A particularly nice mix of academics and introspection" -- Dan Filler. "I think that she writes very substantively, and interestingly." -- Ann Bartow. "A must read blog--no qualifiers." -- Dave Hoffman. "One of the most entertaining and elegantly written blogs anywhere." -- Jim Chen. "I like your blog, too." -- Orin Kerr. "Your blog is awesome." -- Kermit Roosevelt III. "Belle, you are mighty too." -- Jeremy Freese.
Recovering academic, blogger-back-from-the-dead, and one-year veteran of the workforce. Now an organizational embed, with lessons learned from the trenches and stories to tell. All with a not-so-slightly academic twist.
My complaints against their faux feminism are many, but when one "feminist" sells out another victim of sexual assault for page views, it's the end of the line for me. Amber has the details.
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