why do we do things that are bad for us?
I get why people do drugs and alcohol. I don't myself, but I get it. I get eating indulgently, obviously. But why I continually indulge in advice columns, the Fashion and Style section of the NYT, and romantic comedies I'll never know. And I can't seem to stop! During breaks when I visit my family in very boring Orange County (it is boring not so much inherently, since I don't do much that is interesting where I live, but because I don't have much freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want, am always busy with family and babysitting and chores, etc.) I eat a lot of candy and watch a lot of romantic comedies.
The candy binges I can handle, and in fact, relish. But this weekend, the movies I have seen:
- Made of Honor (apparently for a second time)
- P.S. I Love You (for a second time)
- Definitely, Maybe (for the first time)
- Love Actually (for the umpteenth time)
I am a huge, shambling mess of womanly emo right now. I have choked up, teared up and openly bawled. I have written TD emails at various plot points in real time expressing commiseration, shock, or crushing sadness. I know a girl who reads emo things on purpose, just to feel emo. I get that. It's like the teenage girl I was, lying on my bed listening to sad music and reading along with the liner notes. But eeesh, if I am sobbing at Ryan Reynolds telling his daughter why her mom and him aren't going to work out, someone stage an intervention.

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