back in orange county
Dang, why is it cold here? I am wearing my college sweatshirt! Over the scrub-like, asexual pajamas my sister made me that look like rose-printed couch upholstery with hand-sewn labels saying "Made with Love." The family drama, it has already commenced, although it doesn't concern me. And I rank between second or third (it has shifted) in the disappointing child contest. Yes, you can be drug-free, academically successful, and still disappoint your strict Asian parents. I got through discussing the bailout(s), Blagojovich, bankruptcy policy, Obama, etc. without incident though. Yes, Santa, I do believe in miracles.
Right now I'm watching Made of Honor. Wow, it is like everything you expect a romantic comedy starring Patrick Dempsey to be. That is not necessarily an endorsement.
Tomorrow there is family stuff in the form of eating at a buffet restaurant and shopping for some presents for the kidsand going to Costco. I am back in OC*, baby!
*I will never, ever say "The OC." Ever.

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