phooey to the wedding industrial complex
Because I am a 27 year old woman soon to turn 28, I am the demographic of that awful, execrable movie, 27 Dresses. Also, The Wedding Planner. Also, this movie probably counts. And that show "Bridezillas." And one of a hundred E! Hollywood weddings. And at least twenty bridal magazines, from the unimaginatively named "Bride" to Instyle Weddings. I despair for my demographic, and the marketers who think that marriage is my ultimate and only goal. Really, I wish that they made a movie called "Five Years to Tenure"--just for women! Watch it now on the Oxygen network!
God but I hate the idea of a big, flashy wedding. I've already been to more weddings and been bridesmaid more times than I can count, and dude, it is only just beginning--there will be an endless stream of weddings before my 35 birthday. They are all nice, yes, and the brides are lovely and the grooms handsome and so far, no divorces. But for myself, I want to get married in a small garden ceremony or City Hall in a short dress, and maybe have a garden party barbeque afterwards. It may not sound classy or fancy, but it sounds really low key and unfussy, and thus to me delightful.
But this Anti-Wedding sounds like a great wedding idea, too.

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