where in the world is belle lettre?
Over at Scatterplot with a long post on historical sociology and cowboy iconography, in a shameless ploy to get a guest-blogging stint at the Edge of the American West (because three blogs are not enough for the verbose* Belle Lettre).
*I read somewhere that French first lady Carla Bruni was described as "irrepressible," a bizarre descriptive if ever I heard one. That just makes her sound like an annoying sprite of manic energy and moxie. I mean, I get "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," but like, what is up with the inappropriate adjectives used to describe sassy women. I suppose that "irrepressible" is better than "uppity." I was going to go for "inoppressible," but there is no such word, and then I would have nothing to complain about against The Man. I was also considering "inoperable," so that I could get flowers and cards in the event that people assumed I had some type of cancer.

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