legal pedagogy roundup
Right now there's a lot of links of "advice for 1Ls," which I'll post on later and add to my Law School Advice Wiki (sidebar).
For now, some other links of interest:
1. Doug Berman is surprised at Eugene Volokh's "anti-libertarian" one-laptop policy.
2. New Kid on the Hallway blogs about her first day at law school as a Ph.D and former English lit professor, and realizing how that "first day" talk sounds to students (lame), what it's like to be in the same year as one of your former students (weird), and what she thinks of laptops in the classroom as a former instructor and now current student (pros and cons). Law professors: read this.
3. Yes, people are still talking about the Socratic method, and yes, there are surprisingly still some defenders of this awful, outdated pedagogical approach, and no, Steven Bainbridge is not one of the proponents.
4. That "two bodies, two cities" problem that confronts dual-career academic couples is no joke. Here's Laura Appleman's take, and here's the Chronicle of Higher Ed's.
5. Abusive emails from students! (or at least, that's Leib's characterization) Doesn't beat this abusive "you make me uncomfortable with your words" email, though.

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