do you miss the '90s? i do!
Man, my brain is fried with sexual harassment cases and reading Selznick for fun (Selznick writes so well that it IS fun). So, indulge me until I get my next post on women and work up.
What do you miss most about the '90s? I wish I could upload a picture of myself from the early-to-mid '90s, when I wore flannel plaid shirts and knock-off Birkenstocks and Doc Martens (could not afford the real thing). Or, slip dresses over white baby T's. Mini jumper dresses and mini skirts. Or in the mid '90s, when I toyed with the idea of being a Goth girl, but my dad would have grounded me for even wearing lipstick and so maybe dressing up like death wouldn't fly. So instead I went for the Gap preppy look with white button-down short-sleeve shirt, khakis, a pastel cardigan, and Jack Purcell's (bought with 6 months of allowance!). Come on, you remember the Gap swing craze. And then there was the late '90s to early '00s look from college, which I recall being pretty boring and I can't recall wearing much other than whatever was selling at Esprit, Gap, and Benetton on sale (day care salary = occasional new duds). I seem to recall a lot of flower prints, even though that's not really my look.
I think I've blogged '90s nostalgia before, but let's focus on the lame-o popular stuff that we were nevertheless totally obsessed with before we got some taste. So, here's some music from my teenage years. Come on, not everyone was listening to Pavement and Sleater-Kinney. Cop to it, folks.
(I totally had a crush on Duncan Sheik)
(I wanted to look like Lisa Loeb. Oddly, now I do, except for the whole Asian thing. I really want that dress.)
(I did not find out until the follow-up album how dour the Cranberries sounded. I still love this song though.)

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