Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm Back!

Returned from suburban exile! After catching up with TD, I'm back to work, and being lazy about it. There are worse things than wasting away the day reading, for fun, Fabio Rojas' book and watching Flight of the Conchords. But soon, back to RA'ing and dissertating.

Until then, a blog poll about posts you might like to read. What do you want me to blog on?

1. Tips for surviving law school for students who are going after a period of time spent working, at another grad program, etc: that is, those 25% of students who don't go straight after college at the age of 21.
2. Tips for surviving the social cliquishness of law school.
3. How to have a personal life in law school.
4. The relationship between social movements literature and critical ___ theory, or ____ jurisprudence.
5. Suggest a topic.

Otherwise, I am feeling relatively uninspired (except for jubilation over the impending DNC nomination), and am so tapped out working on sex harassment and work/family law that I only want to blog about music I'm listening to or movies that I want/don't want to see and yet more navel gazing about all of the weird phobias I am trying to get over before I hit the age of 30.

I am going to do some pedagogy posts soon though. Not tonight. Tonight, I have a date with Bret and Jemaine, who are hilarious, and sensitive. And also, an after-work-late date with TD. Work/life balance, natch.