Hooray for LSA!
To all of my friends going off to Montreal for the Law and Society Annual Meeting, I wish you a safe trip! Rock those Powerpoints! Enjoy the camaraderie and academic bon homie of the largest international interdisciplinary conference on law and social science! I wish that I could be there with you all. While you eat pomme frites and canapes, I will be shuttling kids around Orange County to various sites of local interest, like the duck pond at Irvine Park, where resides the one duck at which my seven kids throw a loaf of bread until it flys away, and there remains a loaf of bread soaking in the lake. Take pictures for me!
In the fashion of the teenage local radio station dedication, here are a couple of songs to send you on your way. The first from Camera Obscura, one of my fave bands . The second from a band called Of Montreal! Quelle coincidence!

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