Saturday, April 19, 2008

Breaking Matzoh With Belle

I'm hosting a kosher dinner next week for friends. No, not a seder--that's only the first and second nights of Passover, or the 15th/16th days of Nisan. Why do I know all of this? I took religious studies classes in college and can remember a whole lot from this course called "Jewish Nationalism and Literature." Have you ever read "The History of the Shtetl" or "A Treasury of Yiddish Stories"? Well, I have. Also, my law school was next to a Hillel, which was open to everyone (and indeed, very open, half of the law school would hang out there). I used to surprise the baristas at the coffee shop there (where I also played ping pong) with the extent of my knowledge of Judaic history, ritual, and my surprising command of Yiddish and Hebrew terms. Since I obviously look like an Asian goyim. (Although there was an Asian orthodox Jew working at the coffee shop.) There's no easier way to surprise someone than to say "Nice talit," or say jokingly, "I hope she read over that ketubah twice!" Not that I ever said that.

Why am I hosting a kosher dinner? Why not? Some observant friends want to get together, and making dinner is nicer and more economical than going out for sushi.

Any menu ideas? Student budget, and food prices are going up. I'm thinking roast chicken, unless beef is on sale. Any suggestions for yummy variations on the same ol' rotisserie theme? Or is lemon-rosemary pretty much a tried and true (and tried too many times) standard for a reason?

Also, what potato ideas do you have? I am kind of tired of doing the same ol' thing, and I'd like to try something with a crisp texture that doesn't involve deep frying. Because deep frying scares me. Because that's a big pot of hot oil, and hot oil burns. I have lots of weird tics like this that prevent me from making delicious fatty foods, but deal.

I'm off the flourless, dairyless, chametz-less dessert hook, because fresh fruit is easy and delicious. Although, I wouldn't say no to poaching pears in brandy and serving atop a raspberry coulis.

Finally, a belated happy Passover. TD is off with his parents sedering, and so I am here, blogging and reading about workplace discrimination.