Bob Sutton Has A Blog?!
All I know of Bob Sutton is his older work on the endogeneity of law. The Legalization of the Workplace, for example. Or, The Strength of a Weak State, which I once reviewed for class. That's the problem with survey courses. You have to start somewhere, and that's usually somewhere in the 1980s or 1990s, which is considered "recent." Because hey, it's not like we're reading Marx, Weber, or Durkheim. Or, say, Oliver Wendell Holmes and John Marshall. This is why we're cutting edge!
But back to Bob Sutton.
He has a blog?! His current work is awesome and it is about assholes in the workplace?!
Can I get a free copy of that book? I do workplace law!
I know that blogging isn't only a young untenured person's game--but I am always so delighted to know that established scholars are still doing exciting work, maintain graphically impressive blogs that are frequently updated, and appear to be just plain cool.
Props to Bob, and I look forward to reading his work at some point. Workplace bullying and civility codes are interesting to me, even if I wonder about how they could be possibly enforced under current laws and how they conflict with First Amendment principles.

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