Stuff I Love Because I Am A Lover
Again, Paul Gowder is the one to be tagged here, because he is also such a delightful hedonist. He loves as much as he hates, and how awesome is that, and how awesome is he.
- My new apartment
- Freshly laundered sheets
- Baking
- Getting stuff in the mail: letters, presents
- Social justice and equality
- When the legal system works
- Good reviews of articles
- Good lectures (heard or given)
- Reading articles/books that are interesting, useful, novel, and well-written
- Getting flowers
- Mix CDs (making, receiving)
- Check-in phone calls for no particular reason to/from friends and TD
- Music that takes me back to 1997
- Good music, however I define that
- The beach during winter
- Reading on my couch
- Visiting TBF and TL, at least twice a year
- Spending time with TD
- Friends visiting
- Comics and graphic novels
- Public radio
- Indian food
- Mexican food
- Making my own Vietnamese/Chinese food
- Shopping online
- Running
- Running in the rain
- Emailing TL, TD, and HLP throughout the day
- Naps
- Going to movies by myself
- Chocolate
- Pork
- Beef
- Bread
- Tea
- Redwood forests
- Blogging
- Reading blogs, especially academic blogs
- Reading in a random, haphazard manner all of TL's archives
- Getting good advice
- Being listened to
- Fancy organic all natural soap that smells good
- Jersey dresses
- Pencil skirts
- Ballet flats and round-toe pumps
- Delicate silver jewelry
- Forest green, teal, magenta, mauve, orange, dark gray, pistachio green
- Road trips
- Making/giving presents
- Getting presents
- Pubs
- Board games
- Coffee and conversation, even at 6:30 am
- Non-stop flights
- Law review articles that are really good, however I define that
- Employment law conferences now that I know people
- 8 hours of sleep
And I love you all, dear readers.

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