Stuff I Hate Because I Am A Hater
Inspired by Jeremy. His list is of five (or 6/7) things he hates most in the world. I cannot play favorites; my hate is equally distributed and my list is expanded. I tag all of my co-bloggers, but Paul Gowder in particular, because he is so deliciously snarky.
- Harassment
- The bad hates: racism, misogyny, homophobia
- Mustard
- Doilies and anything called "cottage" or "country" style
- Stuffed animals (unless handmade by TJ)
- Paris Hilton
- The smell of vinegar
- Missing the bus
- Sticky rails on the bus
- High schoolers who take the bus
- Reggae
- Death metal
- Clubs where the music is too loud and no one dances and the drinks are overpriced
- Pantyhose
- Ugg boots with miniskirts
- Spiders
- Snakes
- Cockroaches
- Maureen Dowd
- Talk radio
- Proselytizers of any religion
- Our current administration (this is obvious hate--one must hate outside of the box, but lest you doubt my political affinities, on the list it goes)
- Pretentious, unreadable fiction
- Durian (I am a bad Vietnamese person)
- Movies marketed for teenagers
- Teenagers (except for the ones I am related to)
- Handkerchief hems
- Band-collared shirts
- Punditry
- Unqualified people who present themselves as experts
- Sour candy (makes my mouth wince)
- Fermented bean curd (I do not get my people)
- What passes as punk these days
- People who don't read and either 1) don't care to read or 2) pretend to read by buying the books and displaying them
- Round beds
- Shag carpeting and those fluffy rugs
- Dorm furniture
- Tab, Squirt, Shasta Grape soda (all equally)
- Being late
- People who are late
- Our political system and nomination and election process
I know that there is more that I hate. I will get back to you. There has to be more hate.

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