Friday, January 25, 2008

Work/Family Articles and Books

I assembled a list of links to mainstream media articles and popular press books to post on the class website for my Empirical Analysis of Gender Discrimination class (okay, that is not the real title of the course, but you get the idea).

Perhaps you would also be interested. This is not an exhaustive list. If you want law review articles, go to any awesome Vicki Schultz article and look up the footnotes.

Here goes!

(Keep in mind I hate Lisa Belkin's Life's Work column (which runs in the Thursday Styles!) and so her articles should be read with a grain of salt the size of a mack truck. I read the column to get the picture of how work/family issues play out in the public discourse, but beyond that, they're not of much scholarly utility.)

Mainstream Media Articles:

Other Articles/Sources
