On the Road Again
Yes, that's a picture of me, and look, it's not distorted into a graphic pen sketch. That's me from a kneecap's eye view. This is what happens when you're trying to combine work with Spring Break pleasure. This is me trying to schlep a (pretty) tote full of (regulation of child porn) files to Beautiful Baroque Library while also taking touristic snapshots of really cool places you don't have time to set (your prettily shod) foot inside.
I'm on the road again tomorrow--early, with too long a layover in a gigantic airport in neighboring-but-never-visited state. Spotty internet connection until the weekend, spottier blog breaks next week. I'll be trying once again to combine work with pleasure, a little touring in addition to a lot of reading and writing. And a few lunch and dinner dates with some Friends of Belle, as I Blog Across America. One week research conferences/workshops are great, but more work than you'd imagine. I feel like I'm in summer school. In fact, looking at my hardly touched reading list, I think I am.
So while I can't really say what/where I'm doing/going, I will try to cryptically write a travelblog. Let's see how that goes. Points if you can guess where I am.

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