Interim Post
That doesn't even deserve a cool picture.
What I did today, instead of blogging, thus betraying my promise to "Blog the Distance" and "Blog Like No One Has Blogged Before or Ever Will":
- Woke up late. As in, Morning Edition and Day to Day are already over on the radio and now I have to listen to Talk of the City. Guess I'm still tired.
- Got teeth cleaned by Dentist Sister. Another post-Bar purification ritual. Next up: Cleaning up/organizing desk and realphabetizing bookshelf.
- Found out via email that I got rejected by Liberal College Town's political science program, where there are 52 spots per 400 applications, but apparently not a spot for a cum laude in political science lawyer graduated from a highly respected law school with rockin' GRE scores and with research goals in federalism and civil rights. Go fig! Yet I got into Liberal College Town's much more difficult advanced legal studies law program, where of the 30 LLM spots, probably a handful are for aspiring American scholars (LLMS are often for foreign lawyers seeking an American credential to practice in the U.S. or teach back home). The lesson: don't take admissions decisions personally, and remember they often don't make sense. I got into a Top 5 and a Top 20 law school, but got waitlisted by a school ranked (then) 24 (now it's 25-6), and got flat out rejected by a school ranked 8th (US News figures, not that I put much stock into them). This is with a good GPA and LSAT. I also knew someone who got off the waitlist at #24 with a 141 LSAT--you get 120 for showing up pretty much. It really is a crap shoot, people. So to John B. and John B.'s wife--best of luck to you both, and I hope all the n ews you get is good news--and if you get a few disappointing letters, don't take it personally. It never makes sense! Don't stress over it!
- Watched "The Glenn Miller Story" on cable (very sweet film esp. if you love big band music)
- Made a freshwater pearl necklace for a friend--I am the craft goddess.
- Read "Narrowing the Nation's Power." Dug it mightily.
- Talked on the phone with people I haven't talked to in a month or so due to Bar hell
- Watched CSI: Miami (blah).
- Read Harper's Monthly article by the inventor of flash mobs. Enjoyed critical comments about author's own kind, i.e. hipsters. Determined that I cannot be called a hipster because 1) I am not blase enough about everything except what's au courrant (quite the opposite--I'm too enthusiastic about everything), 2) As a Trekker who also watches Masterpiece Theatre, I am definitely not au courrant, and 3) I don't look cool enough since my watch isn't digital, my sneakers are Keds, and I like pretty, sparkly jewelry.
- Realized that I didn't blog anything today because I was trying to work my way up to blogging something of substance. Gave up. Blogged about this instead.
Tomorrow, I promise, promise a roundup of media coverage of the Summers' resignation and what it means for academia in general. I am just so physically tired still, and I can't explain why. Maybe I should stop giving piggyback rides to 40 lb. children and carrying two babies at once to twirl them around. I think I've been out of school too long. I am used to 20+ lbs. on my back.

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