Flowchart of the Day: Title VII Liability
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I'm working on a precis of a new article for your edification (Kalev, Dobbin and Kelly "Best Practices or Best Guesses? Assessing the Efficacy of Corporate Affirmative Action and Diversity Policies"). Until then, enjoy the flowchart. I won't take credit for my Brilliant Employment Discrimination Prof's work. Email me if you want to know who I would love to give credit to.
If ever there was a model for teaching ED, that was the class. It was the best class ever, and it was an olde school production with handouts, transparencies on the overhead, and slamming good lectures. It changed my life--giving me a new area of law I was completely excited about and fascinated with. It's now my targeted area of scholarship. Sometimes, that class second semester of your 3L year can change your life. Better late than never! And profs, never underestimate the power of mentoring.

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