Monday, March 10, 2008

Who Cares About Spitzer's Hooker?

Ok, ok, so Eliot Spitzer hired a prostitute.

First, an interlude. Numerous feminist scholars read this blog, who are far better informed about this than I am. My understanding is that he hired a "high-class" (i.e. expensive) prostitute, and my intuition is that expensive prostitution is going to be fairly non-exploitative. Please correct me if that intuition is wrong. Here's the basis of the intuition: if you're a prostitute charging five thousand bucks an hour (or however much it was), presumably, you're not being kept in a cage and hooked on crack by some pimp who beats you. If nothing else, you have access to fairly powerful johns -- like the governor of New York! -- who probably would care if you're being enslaved (or, more to the point, they're willing to pay more for non-enslaved prostitutes, since the political, etc. fallout from getting caught with an enslaved prostitute is much higher than a non-enslaved prostitute). Also, there's a good chance you're carrying around more cash, and so have a better chance to escape if you are enslaved. But that's just an intuition, and if the data is to the contrary, then the following argument is misguided and wrong.

Right. As I was saying. So Eliot Spitzer hired a prostitute. Who cares?

The first thing to note is that everyone is describing his behavior as "being linked to a prostitution ring," or, even worse, "engaged in a prostitution ring," or "tied to" or "involved in" a prostitution ring. This seems to be the fault of the NYT.

What the hell? He's not "involved in a prostitution ring," at least not so far as we've been told. Pimps are involved in a prostitution ring. He's not a pimp. He hired a hooker. Big deal. Stop making it sound like he's keeping a stable of prostitutes.

So what did he do? Let's see. 1. He cheated on his wife. 2. He committed a victimless crime.

How about Bill Clinton? Well... 1. He cheated on his wife (numerous times). 2. He committed a victimless crime (albeit a different one, and, ahem, he didn't inhale).

For just the same reasons that we shouldn't give a good goddamn about Bill Clinton's interns and weed, we shouldn't give a good goddamn about Eliot Spitzer's hooker.

And prostitution should be legalized. (Although pimps should probably still be banned.)

(For some prostitute and pimp-related amusement/horror, check out this court of appeals case (pdf) and this Salon article. I also recommend the movie I'm Gonna Git You Sucka.)