Sunday, December 02, 2007

Attention, D.C. Readers

I will be in your neck of the woods from January 8th to 11th. If you are a longtime/recent-but-dedicated reader and would like to meet up in one of my famous Blogging Across America jaunts, email me.

I rarely meet up with someone with whom I have not had a correspondence (exceptions being co-blogger prawfs), though I do like to meet people. But I have to have some heuristic of sussing out your bona fides. Even if "I like your blog" is not a perfect proxy for "not a scary axe-murdering jerk," it's something. But I'm not going to create an open-happy hour (what's the point of being pseudonymous, then?), so emailing me is best if you want to get in touch.

In the past, these meet-ups have worked out well: I really enjoy meeting my law professor readers, some of whom have gone on to become my mentors and friends, others of whom at least know the "worst kept secret in the blawgosphere." I have also met other graduate students and advanced degree law students, and we have commiserated with one another over coffee and cheap food the way that all disgruntled students do. I have on occasion met with real lawyer people, and they do not seem to find me too ivory tower insufferable.

Because I am a pseudonymous young female blogger, I have all these checks for making sure my body doesn't end up in the Potomac: I meet only in public places at peak people hours during the day, and tell everyone I know where I am going and with whom I am meeting--in particular my D.A., D.O.D. and State Department friends who have other friends in I.C.E. and D.O.J. If I had mafia friends who could take out a contract on you, I would tell them too. Professors and professionals who want to talk about legal academia and pop culture are welcome to email, creepy weird guys who want to hit on me are not.

For the most part, I just meet law professor readers for coffee or lunch somewhere near their law school, and I assume that their passing some state's moral character exam and background check means that they aren't axe-murderers. This may be a fallacious assumption, but there you go.

In any case, this will be a small pilot study open-invitation to meet up with readers, and if this works out I will do the same when I go to the Law and Society Annual Meeting in Montreal this July.

If no one emails me, that's okay too. I have a fair number of prawfs and peeps in D.C., who are all on notice that I will come calling.